The most unprofitable cryptocurrencies (ADA, MATIC, AVAX)

According to IntoTheBlock , over 90% of Cardano, Polygon and Avalanche cryptocurrency holders are in a losing position. Cardano (ADA) IntoTheBlock data shows that 95% of Cardano (ADA) investors have remained in a loss. At the same time, 4% of holders find themselves in a break-even position, and early Cardano holders stopped receiving income at all (0%). The majority of ADA holders, over 60%, are long-term holders who have owned Cardano cryptocurrency for a year or more. Polygon (MATIC) 96% of Polygon (MATIC) holders are in minus. 0% of Polygon investors have a breakeven position. Only 4% of early MATIC holders are making a profit on their investment in the asset. 59% of holders have kept their crypto assets for more than a year. According to IntoTheBlock, 85% of Polygon's traded shares are in the hands of large holders, and none of the investors are getting returns from investing in MATIC. Avalanche (AVAX) Avalanche (AVAX) ranks 19th in market capitalization, accordi...