The office demon

In 1988, in the small European town of Bergen, there lived a guy named Leo. He worked in the office of the local company "Alpine Views" and was in charge of organizing tourist routes. One day Leo was working hard at his desk as usual, when suddenly the angry boss of the company, Mr. Schmidt, burst into the office.

Mr. Schmidt started yelling at all the employees, accusing them of inefficient work and lack of commitment to the company. At that moment, Leo sensed that something was wrong. His intuition told him that this boss was more than just an annoyed boss. Suddenly he was reminded of stories about ancient office demons who sometimes infiltrated offices, pretending to be bosses and instilling fear in their subordinates.

Leo took the camera out of the drawer and quietly took a picture of the boss. A second later Mr. Schmidt turned into a pillar of fire and disappeared in the flames. The whole office was in shock, and Leo sat at his desk holding the camera with the picture of the ancient office demon.


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